Curriculum Vitae

Contact information

Euan McKay
Designated Associate Professor
Global Multi-Campus, Nagoya University
Furocho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 464-8601, Japan
[email protected]








日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業

日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業


日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業

Grant-related activities

金智慧、小林良介、佐藤遊馬、Euan McKay『LGBT当事者学生が大学において抱えるニーズと困難—首都圏の大学に通う当事者学生の声から—』(ポスター) 日本質的心理学会第16回大会、明治学院大学(2019年9月21日~22日)

小林良介、金智慧、佐藤遊馬、Euan McKay『大学生活におけるLGBT当事者学生困難とニーズ—首都圏の大学に所属するLGBT当事者学生に関する事例調査—』(学会発表) 第39回日本性科学会学術集会、鹿児島市医師会館(2019年10月6日)

マッカイ・ユアン、金智慧「LGBT当事者学生が大学において抱える困難とニーズに関する質的研究報告」大学ダイバーシティ・アライアンス シンポジウム「大学とセクシュアル・マイノリティ」2020年12月11日

マッカイ・ユアン、金智慧、大学ダイバーシティ・アライアンス オンラインイベント「大学教職員が答えます!大学LGBTQ事情」2021年4月25日


Peer-reviewed articles

Hiromi M. Yokoyama, Yuko Ikkatai, Euan McKay, Atsushi Inoue, Azusa Minamizaki & Kei Kano “Can affirmative action overcome STEM gender inequality in Japan? Expectations and concerns” Asia Pacific Business Review 4 Mar 2024

横山 広美, 一方井 祐子, 井上 敦, 南崎 梓, 加納 圭, マッカイ ユアン(2024)「なぜ理工系に女性が少ないのか」工学教育 (72) 1。

一方井 祐子, 井上 敦, 南崎 梓, 加納 圭, マッカイ ユアン, 横山 広美(2021)「STEM分野に必要とされる能力のジェンダーイメージー日本とイギリスの比較研究ー」科学技術社会論研究 (19) 79-95。

Yuko Ikkatai, Atsushi Inoue, Azusa Minamizaki, Kei Kano, Euan McKay & Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Effect of providing gender equality information on students’ motivations to choose STEM” PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252710, 23 Jun 2021

Yuko Ikkatai, Atsushi Inoue, Kei Kano, Azusa Minamizaki, Euan McKay & Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Factors related to girls’ choice of physics for university entrance exams in Japan” Physical Review Physics Education Research 17, 01014123, 21 Jun 2021

Yuko Ikkatai, Atsushi Inoue, Azusa Minamizaki, Kei Kano, Euan McKay & Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Masculinity in the public image of physics and mathematics: a new model comparing Japan and England” Public Understanding of Science, 23 Mar 2021

井上敦, 一方井祐子, 南崎梓, 加納圭, マッカイ・ユアン, 横山広美(2021)「高校生のジェンダーステレオタイプと理系への進路希望」科学技術社会論研究 (19) 64-78。

一方井祐子, 井上敦, 南崎梓, 加納圭, マッカイ・ユアン, 横山広美(2021)「STEM分野に必要とされる能力のジェンダーイメージ:日本とイギリスの比較研究」科学技術社会論研究 (19) 79 – 95。

Yuko Ikkatai, Azusa Minamizaki, Kei Kano, Atsushi Inoue, Euan McKay & Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Masculine public image of six scientific fields in Japan: physics, chemistry, mechanical engineering, information science, mathematics, and biology” Journal of Science Communication 19, 2 Nov 2020

Yuko Ikkatai, Azusa Minamizaki, Kei Kano, Atsushi Inoue, Euan McKay & Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Gender-biased public perception of STEM fields, focusing on the influence of egalitarian attitudes toward gender roles” Journal of Science Communication 19, 9 Mar 2020 doi:10.22323/2.19010208

Yuko Ikkatai, Atsushi Inoue, Kei Kano, Azusa Minamizaki, Euan McKay & Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Parental egalitarian attitudes towards gender roles affect agreement on girls taking STEM fields at university in Japan” International Journal of Science Education 16 Oct 2019 doi:10.1080/09500693.2019.1671635

Yuko Ikkatai, Euan McKay and Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “How Do Researchers Engage in Academic Crowdfunding in Japan?” Japanese Journal of Science Communication 24 (2018).(一方井祐子、マッカイ・ユアン、横山広美「日本の研究者たちは何を重視してクラウドファンディングへの支援を呼びかけたか : 第4のファンディングの可能性」科学技術コミュニケーション24号 2018年)doi:10.14943/86614

Yuko Ikkatai, Euan McKay and Hiromi M. Yokoyama, “Science created by crowds: a case study of science crowdfunding in Japan” Journal of Science Communication 17(03) (2018). doi:10.22323/2.17030206

Ayumi Koso, Azusa Minamizaki and Euan McKay, “Global Research Promotion at the University of Tokyo: A Report on UTokyo Research” Japanese Journal of Science Communication 15 (2014). (髙祖歩美、南崎梓、マッカイ・ユアン「 東京大学における研究成果の国際広報:UTokyo Researchの活動報告」科学技術コミュニケーション15号 2014年).

Book chapters

Euan McKay, “Waiting for their ship to come: Changing perceptions of the Japanese in postwar South-East Asia” in An Imperial World at War, ed. Ashley Jackson (London: Routledge, 2016). ISBN 978-1-4724-6210-7.

Euan McKay, “Souvenirs of Internment: Camp newspapers as a tangible record of a forgotten experience” in Creativity Behind Barbed Wire: The Tangible and Intangible Heritage of Prisoners of War, ed. Gillian Carr and Harold Mytum (London: Routledge, 2013).

Other articles

Ayumi Koso and Euan McKay, “When science and journalism interactions cross language and socio-cultural boundaries,” Blog post, Public Understanding of Science Blog, 2018/11/07.


Hirano Kyohei, “Establishing R&D capability in the prewar Japanese rayon industry: Development of a technical staff and research institutionalization.” Japanese Research in Business History 27 (Tokyo: Business History Society of Japan, 2012).

Shimada Masakazu, “Introduction.” Japanese Research in Business History 26, 5–12 (Tokyo: Business History Society of Japan, 2009).

Kato Kenta, “Japanese cotton spinning industry mergers and acquisitions during the Showa Depression: the case of Toyo Spinning Co., Ltd. and Osaka Godo Spinning Co., Ltd.” Japanese Research in Business History 26, 37–58 (Tokyo: Business History Society of Japan, 2009).

Kuwahara Tetsuya, “Unsuccessful Entry of Foreign Multinationals in Japan: the case of General Foods Corporation in the Economic Miracle Days.” Japanese Research in Business History 26, 77–101 (Tokyo: Business History Society of Japan, 2009).

Peer reviews

Presentations and speeches


“Don’t assume! The value of diversity and making an inclusive environment for sexual minorities in STEM.” The Second SUPER-IRNET Workshop, Beppu, Oita, Japan. Invited talk, 24 July 2024.


“Setting and measuring PR goals.” WPI press officer monthly meeting, ELSI, 22 February 2022.



“You are not alone: overcoming challenges to science communication in Japan.” 2018 International Science Communicators Annual Workshop, 12 October 2018, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing, China. (English)

“You’re earning coverage, but are you earning trust?” 2018 EurekAlert! PIO seminar, 17 February 2018, AAAS annual meeting, Austin, Texas. (English)

Euan McKay, “The University of Tokyo’s global research promotion activities” Presentation, Third conference of the Research University Network of Japan, 29 May 2015, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). (Japanese)

Euan McKay, “The University of Tokyo’s global research promotion activities” Panel discussion, International Science Communication Workshop 2015: Japan deserves more, 19–20 March 2015, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. (Japanese)

“Waiting for their ship to come: British retention of Japanese troops in South East Asia after WWII.” An Imperial World at War: The British Empire, 1939–1945, The British Empire at War Research Group, 21–22 September 2013, Kellogg College, Oxford University.

“Everyone was doing it: maltreatment of POWs during and after WWII.” British Association for Japanese Studies, Hokkaido University, 3–4 November 2012.

“The British decision to employ Japanese Surrendered Personnel as Labourers in South East Asia, 1945–1947.” British Association for Japanese Studies, Hokkaido University, 28 May 2011.

“Working (almost) without pay: Japanese Surrendered Personnel in Post-war South East Asia.” Third European Congress on World and Global History, European Network in Universal and Global History, London School of Economics and Political Science, 14–17 April 2011.

“At His Majesty’s pleasure: the decision to retain Japanese Surrendered Personnel in Post-war South East Asia.” British Association for Japanese Studies, Hokkaido University, 12 June 2011.

“At His Majesty’s pleasure: the decision to retain Japanese Surrendered Personnel in Post-war South East Asia.” Igirisu teikokushi kenkyūkai [Japanese Association for the Study of British Imperial and Commonwealth History], Osaka University, 12 June 2011.

“Denial of POW status: a cross-country comparison.” Modern History Group, Toyo Eiwa Women’s University, 27 September 2010.

“The Tokyo News: Opinions and Cultural Activities of Japanese Surrendered Personnel in Asia.” Prisoners’ Cultural Activities Behind Barbed Wire, The University of Cambridge, 28–29 March 2010.

“Allied use of Japanese Surrendered Personnel in Post-war South East Asia, 1945-1947.” Japanese History Group, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, 19 January 2010.

“Sengo Tōnan Ajia ni okeru Nihonhei: Eigun Senryōka no Shūyō to Kyōsei Rōdō [Japanese troops in postwar South East Asia: internment and forced labour under the British Army].” (Japanese). Society for the Study of Modern History, Aoyama Gakuin University, 27 November 2009.

Speeches and panels

Panellist, Fifth Research University Consortium Symposium, Creating connections through communications, 29 Oct 2021. (Japanese)

Panellist, University communications, Osaka City University online workshop, 11 May 2021. (English)

Panellist, University reputation management and evaluating international communications activities, Research University Consortium online workshop, 18 March 2021. (Japanese)

Euan McKay, “Building strategies and a professional communications team,” Keynote speech, PIO Seminar, 25 November 2019, Hokkaido University. (English)

Euan McKay, “How to build a communications team and keep it,” Speech, The Impact of International Science Communication on University Ranking — Lessons from Japan and EurekAlert!, 22 November 2019, National Taipei University of Technology. (English)

Euan McKay, “Social Media and the University” Keynote speech, Muographers2019 Conference, 9 September 2019, United Nations University. (English)


Euan McKay, “An introduction to LGBTQ+ issues on campus,” Presentation, Global Faculty Development Program, 8 October 2022, University of Tokyo. (English)

Euan McKay, “University public relations,” Presentation, Graduate School of Engineering Faculty Meeting, 21 October 2022, Kobe University. (Japanese)

Euan McKay, “Social Media and the University” Presentation, Department of Information Systems Seminar Series, 31 July 2019, University of Tokyo. (Japanese)

Euan McKay, “Social Media and the University” Presentation, Department of Information Systems Seminar Series, 27 July 2018, University of Tokyo. (Japanese)

Euan McKay, “Social Media and the University” Presentation, Department of Information Systems Seminar Series, 20 July 2017, University of Tokyo. (Japanese)

Euan McKay, “Introduction to Public Relations” Presentation, University Research Administrators training program, 14 June 2017, University of Tokyo. (Japanese)

Conferences organised

British Association for Japanese Studies (Japan branch), “Symposium on Postdoctoral Career Development in Japanese Studies and Undergraduate Education in English at Japanese Universities,” The University of Tokyo, 1–2 November 2014. Eight papers and three roundtables.

Event series organised

Japan Scicom Forum socials (2022, 2023).